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            BUGREEN Project  comprises advanced researches in frame within ANCS STAR (Space Technology and Advanced Research) Program objectives of Earth Observation including GMES in order to attend at Living Planet Programs of European Space Agency and GEOLAND-2 project objectives. BUGREEN project is a multidisciplinary approach aiming at: developing interlinked monitoring and verified predictive modeling tools for assessment at local and regional level of the climatic and anthropogenic stressors impacts on Bucharest urban vegetation system dynamics. Urban vegetation systems involve key productive and protective functions, and adopt 'intensive management', being closely interrelated with sustainability and multifunctionality. As that most traditional tree-based land use/cover systems have considerable potential for capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and storing carbon (C) in soil and biomass and occupy a prominent place in the climate change mitigation strategies, especially during extreme climate events like as heat waves and high Urban Heat Island developments. Project will provide an  advanced monitoring system  of urban vegetation dynamics, spatio-temporal evaluation framework of anthropogenic and climatic stressors impacts on different urban/periurban test sites of Bucharest metropolitan area, through the recording of the major regime shifts during the last 30 years, evaluation of current state and trends assessment for the next 50 years. Research will be based on comprehensive information provided by in-situ monitoring of biogeophysical/climate parameters and derived from long time-series satellite remote sensing data (NOAA/AVHRR, MODIS, ENVISAT MERIS, SPOT, Landsat TM/ETM, IKONOS, Qickbird, METEOSAT MSG 2-3 and future Sentinel missions), their integration in complex data base, and spectral/climatic/ecological developed models at different scales, validated as analytic methods needed for urban vegetation "hot spots" areas location. The innovative character of the project is merging of new geospatial technologies with mathematics and natural sciences for the assessment of urban vegetation system dynamics and impact climate/vegetation/anthropogenic and its feedbacks analysis.